DHS No 15 Glue

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  • Regular price $55.00

DHS V.O.C. Free Water Glue

no #15


Satisfying New ITTF Regulation!

(All V.O.C Glue will be banned from Sep-2008 after the Olympic Game)

With 20 white sponge and 5 black brush (for applying glue)

100% V.O.C Free

500ml (can glue ~many of rubbers)

Country of origin: Made In China

Very clean to use

How To Usage:

Similar as the old glue.

1) Apply on back of sponge and the blade surface.

2) Wait ~15 minutes (or you can use a hairdryer to speed up the process) until the glue completely dry.

3) Stick the rubber onto the blade. Wash the sponge for reuse.

As the professional manufacturer, DHS supplies professional equipment for personal usage number 15 glue